Motorcycle tours in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan (Pamir), Uzbekistan. Enduro tours. Jeep 4x4 tours

About us

We are small group of friends who formed the SilkOffRoad Motorcycle Travel Club back in 2003.
Our motorcycle travel club was born out of a love for motorcycles and and travel within Kazakhstan and then Central Asian countries.
SilkOffRoad Motorcycle Travel Club was an obvious step forward & has to us been like a child conceived and born in our free and wild minds whilst riding the boundless roads of spacious Kazakhstan and nursed by our experience and uncontrollable desire to travel which we wanted to share with riders from around the world.
The club was a great success and has played a significant role in promoting motorcycle tourism in Central Asia. Every year, our motorcycle tours attracted more and more riders from everywhere, where we showed the whole world that Central Asia is safe and beautiful with its unique nature and hospitable people for motorcycle trips.
Having gained enough experience, we renamed our club to SilkOffRoad Motorcycle tours. Now SilkOffRoad Motorcycle Tours is a successfully developed company in Central Asia. Our vast experience and knowledge of the local region has made the company a leader in the motorcycle tours sector.

We have own garage of motorcycles and cars as well as employees in several major cities of Central Asia such as Tashkent, Dushanbe and Bishkek.

SilkOffRoad Motorcycle Tours also cooperates with motorcycling tour operators from other countries, receiving and serving guests from all over the world.

SilkOffRoad management have a continuous improvement program resulting in new and interesting motorcycle tours within Central Asia

About us

He was born and grew up in a family of a army officer, thus he has accustomed to the nomad way of life from his childhood. He lived in different places of Russia, Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzia and Kazakhstan. He graduated the Almaty University, Juridical Faculty. He worked at the juridical firm, but soon has understood, that his hot nomad’s soul cannot bear and suffer any more in a comfortable arm-chair in a warm office. He bought a motorcycle .. sat down on the motorcycle .. and not returned to the office.
Founder of the Silk OFF ROAD. He is the creator of all SilkOFFRoad routes. During the tours he is group leader on the motorcycle. Sometimes guide-driver of car.
Interested in mountaineering, ski and rock music.
Anton went on SilkOffRoad tour as a mechanic. Since then, it remains a mechanic. Has higher technical education. He is the best auto and motorcycle mechanic in Central Asia.
During the tours he is mechanic, driver of car support. Sometimes he is group leader on the motorcycle.
Interested in enduro racing, ski.
At 12 he understood famous saying that two wheels carries a soul. After trying to find himself at a different types of business - hadn't find himself anywhere except motorbikes and road. Being involved in Central Asia tourism for more than 10 years - ready to jump on the bike and ride until the sunset. Our universal soldier.)
Tour Manager. Tour leader. Car driver.
Interested in сhess, fencing and gardening.
2006-2022 SilkOffRoad Motorcycle Tours © All Rights Reserved.
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SilkOffRoad Motorcycle Tours
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Satpaev st 29/1